About Us

Study Work Bridge offers insights and will show you how to put your best foot forward, position yourself and open doors to opportunities by highlighting your own talents and gifts to make the next move in your life. 

So you are probably here because you are feeling stuck or simply curious and wondering what if! Perhaps you are considering to study, work, change jobs or simply just want to live a life where you can experience and travel the world or maybe hideaway at your favorite staycation and work remotely. Whatever it is, you just want to get up, shift gear, drive or fly and go!

But wait! You might be thinking that I am too old, I am too young, I don’t have enough experience, I am not bright enough, I have a family with kids, I have a mortgage, or it could be that you just don’t know where to start.

About Me

I’m Chris from Portmore, Jamaica, and this was me a few years ago. I was at work, but could hardly work. There was no room for growth in my job.  Anxiety gripped me each day as there  was a period of restructuring and redundancies taking place at  work and I felt like I could lose my job any day. I wanted to hit the restart button and switch to a new scenery.  

Now, I don’t consider myself to be exceptionally brilliant nor did I have the money to pay for overseas studies. On the advice of a friend, I was able to snatch not one, not two but five postgraduate scholarships to study abroad in the UK and New Zealand. One even offered a stipend and allowance for my partner and children. What!!!!!!!! The surprise and utter shock still bring smiles to my face to this day.   I took the opportunity to learn, grow and explore the world and completed my MSc and PhD in Energy Engineering in the UK on a full scholarship. This has been an enriching and rewarding experience.

I have taken these same skills and knowledge and shared with my friends who have equally done the same and completed their postgraduate studies. Simple regular folks that just wanted a change in career, a break from everyday life and shift towards something new.

A lot of times universities and companies are not looking for the brightest or smartest individuals. They are looking for someone who has what it takes to do the work. Through the Study Work Bridge I will show you how you can adopt the same principles and to widen your options and advance locally and globally, whether you want to study, work abroad, switch careers, work remotely but essentially do what you love. Feel free to sign up for our newsletter or go ahead send me an email if you have any queries. It would be great to hear from you.

 Best wishes and I look forward to guiding you in your journey.

